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Castle Creeps 90mb APK Mobile Android Game Strategy Tower Defend (Full Reviews) + Money MOD

Gara-gara aku download Castle Creeps TD, awalnya aku kira game ini cuma Tower Defense biasa aja. Pas dimainin sih emang standar banget Tower Defense, tapi seru. Nuansanya kayak mainin Kingdom Rush series tapi grafiknya lebih bagus karena udah 3D. Aku jadi penasaran juga sih, kenapa game dengan grafik 3D tapi ukurannya lebih kecil dari Kingdom Rush yang cuma 2D. Tapi akhirnya nyadar juga sih, grafik bukan satu-satunya yang bikin ukuran game. Tower itu elemen penting banget di game ini. Sesuai genre kan ya . Tower itu perlindungan wilayah kita dari serangan musuh. Ada beragam jenis tower dalam game Tower Defense. Di game ini ada 4 jenis tower, yaitu Cannon, bow, Infantry dan magic. Tower bisa di upgrade biar levelnya naik. Dan tiap tower punya tingkatannya. Upgrade bisa dapet dari kartu-kartu setelah selesaiin sub chapter, atau bisa langsung dapet dari peti yang belinya 200 gems. Santai aja, yang bakal aku bagi ini game mod. Jadi Gems gak jadi masalah. Selanjutnya ada Hero. Fitur yang ada di beberapa game Tower Defense. Beda dari Tower, hero bisa bergerak ke mana aja sesuai keinginan kita. Anggep aja hero tuh komandan pasukan dalam game ini. Kita bisa pake maksimal 2 hero dalam pertempuran di game Castle Creeps. Kayak tower, hero juga punya status dan level. Jadi bisa diupgrade biar makin kuat. Upgrade bisa dari kartu hero yang kita dapet. Banyak hero di game ini, tapi sayangnya semua hero baru kebuka berdasarkan chapter yang kita mainkan. Di awal game, hanya ada 2 hero yang bisa kita pake.

/Because I downloaded Castle Creeps TD, at first I thought this game was just a regular Tower Defense game. When I played it, it did have pretty standard Tower Defense gameplay, but it was really fun. It feels like playing the Kingdom Rush series but with better graphics because it's already in 3D. I was curious as to why a game with 3D graphics has a smaller size compared to Kingdom Rush which is only 2D. But then I realized that graphics are not the only thing that determines the size of a game. Towers are a very important element in this game. As expected in this genre 😁. Towers are used to protect our territory from enemy attacks. There are various types of towers in the Tower Defense game. In this game, there are 4 types of towers: Cannon, bow, Infantry, and magic. Towers can be upgraded to increase their level. And each tower has its own levels. Upgrades can be obtained through cards after finishing sub-chapters, or can be directly obtained from chests purchased with 200 gems. Don't worry, I'll share the modded version of this game. 😁 So Gems won't be an issue. Next, there are Heroes. This feature is found in some Tower Defense games. Unlike Towers, heroes can move anywhere according to our desires. Just imagine the hero as the commander of the troops in this game. We can use up to a maximum of 2 heroes in battles in the Castle Creeps game. Like towers, heroes also have stats and levels. So they can be upgraded to become stronger. Upgrades can be obtained from the hero cards we receive. There are many heroes in this game, but unfortunately, all heroes are only unlocked based on the chapters we play. At the beginning of the game, we can only use 2 heroes.


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