Animal Run Developer: Dream Cool Game New Mobile Android Game in 2022
This time Mimin discusses new offline games in 2022 that are not yet available in the Playstore, small size games but good visuals, casual games that
suitable to be played between routines.
This is a side scrolling arcade platformer game similar to the Mario Bros game, but this game has a different side that is interesting, as in the game you can carry 3 characters at once and can be used interchangeably. As with other arcade games, the task of this game is to take all the coins & stars, passes through obstacles and various enemies, takes items such as lives, nuts (fire to kill enemies), can lift boxes / other objects to be thrown at the enemy, there is also an enemy turtle, which if it dies its shell can be thrown at the enemy too, World in the game it's also like being on land and in the sea. There are several characters in the game that can be opened and 3 characters can be selected.
One thing that is interesting when I open this game there is a "Nitendo" logo, I thought it was a dev. Eh, it turns out it's not just a joke
For those who like platformer arcade games like this, I recommend this game. To try... Thank you so much...
/Kali ini Mimin bahas game offline baru di tahun 2022 yang blom ada di playstore, game size kecil tapi visual sudah cukup bagus, game casual yang
cocok dimainkan di sela rutinitas.
Merupakan game arcade platformer side scrolling mirip game" mario bros , tapi game ini ada sisi berbeda yg menarik, seperti dalam game bisa bawa 3 karakter sekaligus dan bisa digunakan secara bergantian. Seperti halnya game arcade pada umumnya nya, tugas game ini mengambil semua koin & bintang, melewati rintangan dan berbagai musuh, mengambil item seperti nyawa, kacang (berapi untuk membunuh musuh ) ,bisa mengangkat kotak / benda lain untuk di lempar kemusuh ada musuh kura kura juga yang kalo udh mati tempurung nya bisa dilempar kemusuh juga, Dunia di game ini juga seperti ada di darat dan didalam laut. Karakter di game ada beberapa yg bisa di buka dan di pilih 3 katakter.
Satu hal yg menarik pas buka game ini ada logo " nitendo", sempat ngira dev. Nya eh ternyata bukan cuman plesetan
Buat yg suka game arcade platfotmer seperti ini, game ini rekomend. Untuk dicoba... Sekian dan terimakasih...
Info Game
Title: Animal Run
Developer: Dream Cool Game
Size : 74 mb
Version : 0.0.1 ( latest version)
Genre: Casual, Arcade, Platformer
Play Store: Unavailable
Platform : Android
Year : 2022
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