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Review + Story About Embracelet New Indie Game Android Offline in 2021


Kali ini Mimin bahas game offline baru yg bagus dan ada di Platform PC-Steam &

Swicth selain di Android.
Game dengan grafis poligonal yg bagus dengan visual, backsound yg bagus pula

Merupakan game Adventure berbasis story dengan storyline yg cukup sad. Namun kesan adventure nya masih cukup kerasa jadi ngk terlalu terpaku pada satu hal.

Story singkat dalam game ini
Story dimulai sebagai anak remaja laki-laki berusia 17 tahun bernama Jesper selama liburan musim panas di sebuah kota besar di Norwegia. Yg berjuang dengan sekolah, kakek nya sakit, dan sang Ibu sedikit kewalahan dengan semua keadaannya

Disuatu waktu sang kakek yang sakit memberikan gelang yang memberi pemakainya kekuatan magis dan meminta untuk memulai pencarian untuk mengembalikannya ke desa pulau kecil di Utara, bertentangan dengan keinginan sang Ibu, Tak lama setelah itu, kehilangan yang mengerikan mengguncang kelurga yaitu kakek nya yg sakit meninggal, yg memaksa ibu nya untuk membiarkannya pergi dalam petualangan untuk mewujudkan keinginan terakhir kakeknya.

*(ScreenShoot pertama & cut scene itu mungkin menggambarkan seperti kesedihan mendalam / kehilangan seseorang yg paling disayangi).

Kemudian story berlanjut di suatu pulau tempat masa kecil kakeknya dan saat si jesper menjelajahi tempat itu ia menyadari akan banyak hal yg tidak dia ketahui tentang kakeknya. Dalam tugas jesper dalam mencari tau asal usul gelang itu akan menemui teman baru & musuh tentunya yg mengakibatkan banyaknya masalah / konflik yg terjadi.
Segitu aja story singkat dari game ini karna story sebenarnya masih sangat panjang. Dengan durasi gameplay nya : 3-6 jam dan beberapa ending berbeda tergantung pilihan Player saat menjalankan Gamenya.

/This time Mimin discusses a new good offline game that is available on the PC-Steam Platform &
Switch other than on Android.
Game with good polygonal graphics with good visuals, good background too

It is a story-based Adventure game with a pretty sad storyline. But the impression of adventure is still quite strong so you don't get too hung up on one thing.

Short story in this game
The story begins as a 17-year-old boy named Jesper during a summer vacation in a large Norwegian city. Who struggles with school, his grandfather is sick, and his mother is a little overwhelmed with all the circumstances

Once upon a time the sick grandfather gave a bracelet that gave the wearer magical powers and asked to start a quest to return him to a small island village in the North, against his mother's wishes, Shortly after, a terrible loss shook the family that his sick grandfather died, who forces his mother to let him go on an adventure to fulfill his grandfather's last wish.

*(The first screenshot & cut scene may describe such a deep sadness / loss of someone who is most loved).

Then the story continues on an island where his grandfather was childhood and as Jesper explores that place he realizes there are many things he doesn't know about his grandfather. In Jesper's task in finding out the origin of the bracelet, he will meet new friends and enemies, of course, which causes many problems / conflicts that occur.
That's just a short story from this game because the actual story is still very long. With the duration of the gameplay: 3-6 hours and several different endings depending on the player's choice when running the game.

Link Store 

Title: Embracelet
Developer: machineboy
Mode: Ofline
Size: 450 mb
Genre: Adventure, Puzzle
Requirement: Android 9.0 and up
Playstore : Yes
Year: 2021

Video Gameplay

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