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Grandson The evil house horor APK Mod



Mimin bahas lagi game offline size kecil,  bergenre Horror Survival bawaannya ringan dan seru, seperti halnya game horror survival pada umumnya, tujuan player adalah bertahan hidup atau survive di suatu rumah menyusuri semua ruangan yg ada, mencari item,
kunci untuk membuka sesuatu dan mencari cara untuk mencari jalan keluar
hidup hidup dengan selamat dari rumah misterius tersebut. 

Tapi tak semudah itu ferguso disini player akan selalu dibayangi dengan makhluk aneh dan menyeramkan bertubuh besar & tangan besar , banyak mata yg merah menyala dan seperti memakai masker radiasi.
Game ini bisa dibilang susah susah gampang, susah karna karakter utama gak bisa lari , musuh nya bisa lari tapi agak lambat, musuh nya juga gak ada step nya /  suara langkah kakinya, tau tau pas baru buka lemari / loker tiba tiba udah dibelakang aja dan alhasil Jumpscare tiba wkwkwk

/Mimin discusses again a small size offline game, the Horror Survival genre is light and fun by nature, just like survival horror games in general, the player's goal is to survive or survive in a house through all the available rooms, looking for items,
the key to unlock something and find a way to find a way out
live life safely from the mysterious house.

But it's not that easy, Ferguso, here, players will always be overshadowed by strange and creepy creatures with big bodies and big hands, lots of glowing red eyes and like wearing a radiation mask.
This game can be said to be difficult, difficult, difficult, because the main character can't run, the enemy can run but it's a bit slow, the enemy also has no steps / the sound of his footsteps, you know when you just open the cupboard / locker suddenly it's behind and As a result, Jumpscare arrived wkwkwk

Title : Grandson The evil house horor
Developer: Junkyard
Mode: Offline
Size:81 mb
Version: 0.2 (latest version)
Genre: Horror, Survival
Requirement: Android 4.1 and up
Year : 2019
Raring Playstore : 3.6 From 5
PlayStore : Yes (Free Game)

Video Gameplay


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