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Godzilla Strike Zone Mobile Android Game FPS APK 70mb OBB

Gsme keren banget, geng! Game ini bikin kita jadi sosok pahlawan yang harus nyelametin orang-orang dari Godzillanya yang lagi marah-marah hancurin kota. Ada 3 mode seru yang bisa kita mainin nih, yaitu HALO Jump, Ground Rescue, dan Onto The Rooftops. Kita bakal lanjut ke mode berikutnya setelah berhasil menyelesaikan mode sebelumnya. Di mode HALO Jump, kita harus nyuruhin pasukan yang terjun dari pesawat biar bisa mendarat di tempat yang udah ditentuin. Kalo kita nyenggolin penerjun lain, kita harus mengulang dari titik Checkpoint deh. Nah, di mode Ground Rescue, pandangan kita bakal berubah jadi kaya game FPS dengan misi untuk nyelamatin orang di dalam gedung. Tapi, kita bakal kesusahan banget buat sampai ke gedungnya karena reruntuhan yang nggak bisa dilewati.

/It's super cool, guys! This game makes us become a hero who has to rescue people from the angry Godzilla who is destroying the city. There are 3 exciting modes that we can play, namely HALO Jump, Ground Rescue, and Onto The Rooftops. We will advance to the next mode after completing the previous mode successfully. In HALO Jump mode, we have to guide the troops jumping from the plane to land at a designated location. If we bump into other parachutists, we have to start over from the checkpoint. In Ground Rescue mode, our view will change to look like an FPS game with a mission to rescue people inside a building. However, we will find it very difficult to reach the building because of the impassable debris.


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