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Harvest Moon: Light of Hope 230mb APK OBB Mobile Android Game Simulation Farming Legends Game (Full Reviews)

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope memiliki latar belakang cerita yang menarik, di mana tokoh utamanya terseret ombak ke sebuah pulau yang penduduknya semakin sepi. Dia kemudian ditemukan oleh seorang wanita berambut ungu dan dibawa ke dokter Jeanne, yang prakteknya berada di dalam sebuah mercusuar yang telah padam. Melalui bantuan Jeanne, tokoh utama ini mendapatkan sebuah perkebunan yang tidak terawat untuk dia kelola. Pada malam hari di kediamannya yang baru, tokoh utama terbangun oleh suara minta tolong di depan rumahnya. Dia melihat rumput dan suara itu berharap agar dia mencabutnya. Saat rumput di cabut, di bawahnya terdapat tablet atau lempengan batu kuno. Suara tersebut masih meminta tolong karena terhimpit oleh tablet tersebut. Setelah tablet diangkat, muncul Harvest Spirit, sebuah makhluk mungil yang hanya bisa dilihat oleh tokoh utama. Harvest Spirit ini dapat membantu mengelola perkebunan dengan memberikan mereka buah ataupun sesuatu yang lain. Hal ini mengingatkan pemain pada mekanisme serupa yang ada dalam game Harvest Moon pada PS1. Dengan fitur-fitur yang mirip atau bahkan sama dengan game-game sebelumnya dalam serial Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon: Light of Hope tetap menyenangkan untuk dimainkan para penggemar game simulasi pertanian.

Nih satu lagi game dari seri Harvest Moon yang muncul di android. Buat gue yang penggemar game sim pertanian ini, Harvest Moon; Light of Hope tetep ngasih fitur yang mirip atau bahkan sama persis kayak game-game HM sebelumnya. Pokoknya kita harus ngelola lahan perkebunan dengan baik, apakah itu tanaman atau hewan peliharaan, terus juga bisa berteman baik sama penduduk di pulau ini, dan ikutan festival juga. Trus bisa juga nikah sama salah satu penduduk di pulau ini. Nah yang menarik, tiba-tiba pas gue main, ada aja ikon di nama karakter cwenya. Kayanya gameplay-nya bakal fokus ke situ deh 😍 hehehe Ceritanya beda-beda dikit dari seri HM yang biasa, tapi menarik 😁. Kali ini bukan tokoh yang udah bosen sama hidup di kota atau cucu yang dianugerahi kebun sama kakeknya. Ceritanya lebih kayak game RPG jadul yang pernah gue mainin. Jadi si tokoh ini kebetulan terseret ombak ke pulau yang sepi banget. Trus ketemu deh sama cewek berambut ungu (kayak gitu deh, kalo ingatan gue nggak salah) trus dia dianterin ke dokter wanita lokal namanya Jeanne. Ini dokternya praktek di mercusuar gitu. Ternyata mercusuar itu mati, karena pulau ini semakin sepi. Udah diusahain sih biar nyala, tapi belum berhasil. Trus lewat bantuan Jeanne, si tokoh utama ini dapet perkebunan yang nggak terurus untuk dia urus sendiri. Nah pas dia udah di kediaman barunya itu, malamnya dia kebangun suara minta tolong di depan rumahnya. Kebangunnya, eh siapa yang ngerumput di situ dan ngerengekin kita buat ngebantuin mencabutnya. Pas dicabut, ternyata ada tablet atau lempengan batu kuno dibawahnya. Nah suara minta tolong-nya masih terperangkap sama tablet itu. Begitu tabletnya diangkat, tadaaa! Ada Harvest Spirit guys. Mahkluk kecil aja yang cuma si tokoh utama aja yang bisa liat. Pengen banget liat kayak di PS1, bisa bantuin ngelola perkebunan cuma dengan ngasih mereka buah atau apapun itulah 😁

/ Harvest Moon: Light of Hope has an interesting backstory, where the main character gets washed up on a deserted island. There, they are discovered by a woman with purple hair and taken to Doctor Jeanne, whose practice is located inside an extinguished lighthouse. With Jeanne's help, the main character is given an untended farm to manage. One night, the main character wakes up to a cry for help in front of their new house. They see grass and the voice requests that they pull it out. When the grass is pulled, a tablet or ancient stone slab is revealed underneath. The voice continues to ask for help as it is trapped beneath the tablet. After the tablet is lifted, the Harvest Spirit appears, a small creature that only the main character can see. The Harvest Spirit can assist in managing the farm by providing fruits or other things. This feature reminds players of a similar mechanism in the original Harvest Moon game on the PS1. With similar or even identical features to previous games in the Harvest Moon series, Harvest Moon: Light of Hope remains enjoyable for fans of farming simulation games. Here's another game from the Harvest Moon series that is available on Android. For me, a fan of farming simulation games, Harvest Moon: Light of Hope still offers features that are similar or even the same as previous HM games. We have to manage the farm well, whether it's crops or livestock, and also make good friends with the island's inhabitants and participate in festivals. We can also get married to one of the island's residents. What's interesting is that when I was playing, there was an icon next to the character's name. It seems like the gameplay will focus on that aspect 😍 hehehe The story is a bit different from the usual HM series, but it's interesting 😁. This time, it's not a character who is tired of city life or a grandchild who inherits a farm from their grandfather. The story is more like an old-school RPG game that I used to play. So, the main character happens to be washed up on a very deserted island. Then, they meet a girl with purple hair (if I remember correctly) and she takes the main character to a local woman doctor named Jeanne. This doctor practices at a lighthouse. It turns out that the lighthouse is extinguished because the island is getting more and more deserted. Efforts have been made to get it lit up, but they haven't succeeded yet. Through Jeanne's help, the main character gets an untended farm to take care of. Then, one night at their new residence, they wake up to a cry for help in front of their house. They wake up, and who is pulling the grass and bothering them to help pull it out? When it's pulled out, it turns out there's a tablet or ancient stone slab underneath. The voice asking for help is still trapped by the tablet. When the tablet is lifted, tadaaa! The Harvest Spirit appears. It's a small creature that only the main character can see. I really want to see it like in the PS1, being able to manage the farm just by giving them fruits or anything like that 😁

Android OS : Android 4.1+


Info Game
📃Title : Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
🎬Genre : Simulation
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer :-
⏱️Year : 2017
📱Platform : Android ,iOS, 
📝Dev/Pub : Natsume
💾Size : 230mb APK OBB
⭐Rating :  4.0 / 5.0
🔖Store : No
OS : Android 9+ Up

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