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T3 Arena New Mobile Android ONLINE Game TPS 3V3 Like Overwatch + Valorant 2022 / 2023 Full Reviews

T3 Arena adalah Game Pertarungan 3v3 yang baru juga rilis di Playstore & Appstore di tahun 2022 menurut mimin mirip gabungan antara Overwatch & Valorant bedanya ini 3v3 dengan gameplay gaya bermain sangat cepat dalam satu match ini game online ya, memang game dengan gaya bermain cepat (Tipikal Game Competitive) tidak terlalu lama sangat digandrungi para pemain Mobile cocok bisa bersaing dengan game lama yang sama, misalnya game fps codm, genre moba mobile legends kedua game tersebut tidak lama dalam satu match bisa dimainkan saat waktu luang.

Untuk Grafis game sekelas baru meski dari Dev yang belum mimin kenal / familiar mimin ternyata yang mengembangkan juga game Sausage Man, mimin acungkan jempol bagus banget sudah smooth dan uniknya senjata beragam mulai dari panah, senjata pistol, tentunya dengan efek skill yang bagus oh iya karakternya juga kawaii loh bergaya modern dengan armor high tech penuh warna dan sangat variatif banyak yang bisa kita pilih". oke jika kalian suka mimin rekomendasikan game satu ini. oh iya ada semacam turnamen loh di luaran sana dan memang ini game masuk kategori E-sport masa kini

/T3 Arena is a 3v3 fighting game that has just been released on Playstore & Appstore in 2022 according to the admin, it's similar to a combination of Overwatch & Valorant, the difference is that it's 3v3 with very fast gameplay in one match. This is an online game, yes, it's a fast-paced game (typical Competitive Game) not too long ago, very loved by Mobile players, suitable to be able to compete with the same old games, for example the fps codm game, the mobile legends moba genre, the two games not long in one match can be played during free time.

For new class game graphics, even though it's from Dev who doesn't know / is familiar, it turns out that Mimin also developed the Sausage Man game, Mimin thumbs up, it's really smooth and unique, various weapons ranging from arrows, guns, of course with good skill effects, oh yes, the characters Also kawaii, modern style with colorful high tech armor and lots of variety to choose from". Okay, if you like Mimin, I recommend this one game. Oh yes, there is some kind of tournament out there and indeed this game is included in the E-sports category of the future. now

Info Game
📃Title : T3 Arena
🎬Genre : TPS, Competitive shooter,
🎮Mode : Online
🚻Multiplayer : Yes (3v3)
⏱️Year : 2022
📱Platform : Android, iOS
📝Dev/Pub : XD Entertainment
💾Size : 1gb++
⭐Rating : 4.3 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore & Appstore  (Free to Play)
OS : Android 5.1 Up & iOS 11 Up

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