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Mir4 Officially Released Global on Playstore & Appstore in 2021 MMORPG UHD Unreal Engine

Sudah resmi rilis global cek Playstore & Appstore, perlu di ingat game MMORPG ini perlu juga spesifikasi agak tinggi di SD820 keatas atau Exynos setaranya dengan minimal Android 6 keatas. Tentunya grafis mantap. Fitur secara garis besar adanya PK atau Player Killer alias PVP yang membuat Mimin terpikat ini fitur Classic yang dulu ada di Game MMORPG PC dan Fitur Trading nya kita lihat saja nanti Mimin masih LV 10, di gameplay nya mode 3D Bisa kamera dekat jauh sesuai keinginan kita kalo lebih berasa action Combat ya mending dekat kan saja misal saat lawan bos, kalo ngemob mending jauhkan saja view cameranya biar lebih mudah klo lawan banyak monster.
Oh iya memang game mobile jaman now adanya fitur auto juga mungkin memudahkan player mobile tapi bisa di manualkan atau off mode auto nya tergantung selera
Nilai lebih juga game ini berkolaborasi dengan Coin Crypto yang mana hasil tambang atau hasil item dalam game bisa di konversikan ke Coin Crypto intinya bisa menghasilkan uang atau Rupiah tapi dengan cara yang cukup rumit menurut Mimin.

/The global release has been officially released, check Playstore & Appstore, keep in mind this MMORPG game also needs a rather high specification at SD820 and above or Exynos equivalent with a minimum of Android 6 and above. Of course the graphics are solid. The feature in outline is the existence of PK or Player Killer aka PVP which makes Mimin captivated, this is a Classic feature that used to be in the PC MMORPG Game and the Trading Features, we'll see later Mimin is still LV 10, in the gameplay is 3D mode, the camera can be close and far as we wish If it feels more like Combat action, it's better to be close, for example when fighting a boss, if you're driving, just keep the camera view away so it's easier to fight a lot of monsters.
Oh yes, today's mobile games have an auto feature that might also make it easier for mobile players but can be manual or off the auto mode depending on taste
The added value is that this game collaborates with Coin Crypto where the results of mining or in-game items can be converted to Crypto Coins, the point being that it can make money or Rupiah but in a quite complicated way according to Mimin.

Full size 2.9gb apk+obb

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