How to hack WiFi with old Phone Redmi Note 4x Snapdragon 625 (Mido) Nethunter Kali

Enaknya HP jenis Android apalagi sudah UBL unlock bootloader dan install TWRP bisa kita modif dan Pasang custom ROM tidak sia" bergadang sampe malam akhirnya menemukan ROM + Kernel yang cocok untuk Sekedar Test dan Belajar tentang Jaringan menguji keamanan, penetrasi, analisa dll cocok buat kalian opreker atau yang hobi basis Linux apalagi kalian yang masih sekolah atau kuliah di seputar IT & jaringan Bisa menambah referensi pengetahuan dengan sering mengoprek dan menggunakan mencoba dan mencoba.
Yang sudah mimin test sendiri menguji hal ringan / sederhana keamanan password Hotspot wifi dengan menggunakan "wifite" dimana password pada HP Host yang dijadikan Hotspot menggunakan 8 digit angka 12345687 dan hasilnya sangat mudah terbobol karena itu memang perlu adanya pengetasan infrastuktur jaringan dan usahakan password kalian juga harus rumit dengan kombinasikan dengan huruf dan symbol contohnya §$~€\&$= dll
/The good thing is that Android type cellphones, especially if you have UBL unlocked the bootloader and installed TWRP, we can modify and install a custom ROM, it's not worth staying up late at night, finally finding a suitable ROM + Kernel for Just Testing and Learning about Networks, testing security, penetration, analysis, etc., suitable for you oprekers or those who like Linux bases, especially those of you who are still in school or college around IT & networks. You can add knowledge references by frequently tweaking and using try and try.
Those who have tested it themselves, tested light / simple things for WiFi Hotspot password security by using "wifite" where the password on the HP Host that is used as a Hotspot uses the 8 digit number 12345687 and the results are very easy to break because it really needs to be tested for network infrastructure and try your password too must be complicated by combining letters and symbols for example §$~€\&$= dll
Requiremens :
1. Redmi note 4x SD625 (mido) UBL
2. Install TWRP Orange fox Download
3. Omni 8.1 rom (non treble rom mido) Download
4. Evil kernel 3.18 include Nethunter Kali full img (mido) Download
5. Magisk root Download
6. TpLink Wn722n wifi external v1
(Use only V1 Adapter Tp Link wn722n-v1)7. Usb otg
Cara insall?
How to install it
- Unlocked Bootloader
- Recovery Installed orangefox twrp
- Flash .zip cusrom rom OMNI ROM 8.1
- Flash zip Kernel Nethunter Kali full img
- Flash Magisk .zip
- Reboot system enjoy
Sekian pembahasan kali ini, jika kalian minat cicipi coba Link Download nya di blog mimin diatas page. Yang bersumber dari Forum XDA
/That's all the discussion this time, if you are interested, try the download link on the mimin blog above the page. Sourced from the XDA Forums
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