Full Review About GTA 3 - Grand Theft Auto in 2021
Title : Grand Theft Auto lIl (GTA)
Genre: Action-Openworld
Platform: PS2, Xbox, Android, ios, PC
Publisher / Dev: Rockstar Games, Rockstar North
Year: 2001
Size : 1gb+
Store : Playstore (Paid Game)
GTA series ialah Franchice yang sangat populer di berbagai
Platform. seperti Gta San Andreas, Vice City, Gta IV, dan tentunya Gta V.
sayangnya, dikit dari kalangan Indonesia yang mau membahas
Series ketiga ini. padahal Gta 3 ialah salah satu game yang populer, dan salah satu game Revolusioner di 3D Open World di era konsol PS2 sampai sekarang, di Android
Mungkin karena dari dulu terbiasanya main Gta San
Andreas, jadi setelah main Series ketiga ini mimin banyak banget keluhan dan kesulitan akan pada Series ini. sampai-sampai harus bersusah payah untuk menyelesaikan game ini dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Dan tentunya, untuk me-Review game ini secara keseluruhan versi Mimin
Cerita dimulai ketika Claude Speed beserta partnernya yaitu
Miguel dan Catalina merampok sebuah bank di Liberty City.
Setelah mereka berhasil, Catalina mengkhianati Claude. dan tak lama dari kejadian tersebut, polisi menangkap Claude
karena terbukti bersalah.
Claude beserta tahanan lainnya dibawa menggunakan sebuah mobil tahanan yang kebetulan didalam mobil tersebut terdapat petinggi dari kelompok Cartel. Mobil tersebut hancur di sebuah jembatan dan petinggi kelompok Cartel yang berhasil diamankan oleh anggota-anggotanya.
Memanfaatkan kesempatan itu, Claude dan 8-Ball melarikan diri dan langsung mengganti pakaian mereka dengan pakaian sehari-hari, serta menerima beberapa Tawaran dari beberapa kelompok untuk melakukan tugas kotor.
Inti cerita di game ini hanya satu, Claude hanya ingin balas dendam dengan Catalina. Sampai-sampai ia rela bergabung dengan beberapa gangters dan mafia di Liberty City dengan segala cara apapun. yakni untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai keberadaan Catalina. Terdengarnya simpel, namun semua prosesnya yang perlu dikerjakan oleh Claude, bisa gw bilang cukup rumit dan sangat berbelit-belit.
Gta ll merupakan salah satu game 3D openworld yang pertama kali bisa Free Roaming ke beberapa wilayah kota menggunakan kendaraan atau pun dengan jalan kaki. Tentunya
GTA ialah salah satu game yang dimana kita hampir sepenuhnya bebas mau ngapain aja di gamenya.
Dari menjelajah berbagai tempat, menjelajah lautan menggukan perahu, membuat rusuh di kota dengan cara menabrak pakai kendaraan, Membunuh orang biasa menggunakan senjata atau tangan kosong, melawan sesama gangster atau mafia, bahkan kita pun bisa melawan Polisi
Karena game ini game klasik, bisa dibilang control pada game
GTA 3 terasa kaku. Kalo ditanya seberapa kaku dari San
Andreas? Menurut gw, GTA 3 jauh lebih kaku daripada San
1) Movement
Dari segi pergerakannya terlihat agak patah-patah dan Clunky.
Sudut kamera saat Third person menurut gw agak kurang nyaman. Saat Claude bergerak kita tidak bisa menggatikan arah kamera seperti Gta biasanya, atau secara manual. Saat
Claude begerak maju kearah manapun, secara automatis kamera ikut mengarahkannya. Kita bisa memutar kamera secara manual, tetapi kita harus diam terlebih dahulu, dan sudut kamera pun akan berganti menjadi First Person.
Sejauh ini, Movement di Series ini masih gw anggap susah kalo belum biasa. belum lagi jatuh dari ketinggian yang tak begitu tinggi saja sudah mengurangi darah.
2. Driving System
Menurut gw, system driving di GTA 3 terasa sulit dan menyebalkan. Di saat kita lagi ngebut, kita bakal kesulitan
Handling saat kita membawa mobilnya ke belokan yang agak tajam.
Lebih parahnya lagi, daya tahan mobil di game ini bener-bener
CETEK/DARAH TEMPE! yang gampang banget berasap, lebih parahnya meledak. Mau gak mau kita bakal lebih sering gonta- ganti mobil.
Sayangnya tidak ada motor di GTA 3. kendaraan di game ini hanya ada Mobil, perahu, dan pesawat (hampir gak guna). dan
Hampir semuanya bisa kita taikin.
Mengenai perahu, kita bisa mengendarai perahu seperti biasanya. Tapi karena karakter kita tidak bisa berenang, salah
lompat saja kita sudah tewas. Bahkan kita tidak diberikan kesempatan ke 2, untuk melompat balik ke tepi yang aman, seperti Vice City Stories.
Soal pesawat. Kenapa gw bilang pesawat "hampri gak guna"? kita menggerakkan pesawat hampir layaknya seperti mobil.
Dan anehnya lagi, pesawatnya susah diterbangkan. Bahkan mau mengudara saja payah banget. dan ujung-ujungnya malah jatoh. Maka itu gw bilang Pesawatnya hampir gak guna di GTA 3
oh yah, kekurangan Driving System ini kita tidak bisa mengerakkan camera secara leluasa. tetapi kita masih disediakan fitur pergantian camera (walaupun sepenuhnya enggak membantu).
3. Combat System
Tentu, bukan Gta kalo gak ada aksi pertarungan dan tembak- menembak. Tetapi, jangan terlalu berharap di GTA 3 ini.
System penembakan di Gta ini dikit KAKU! dan agak kurang
Friendly di pergerakkan control itu sendiri.
Jujur aja, system penembakan di series ini susah banget, belum lagi masalah Aiming (mengeker) yang bener-bener
Camera Lock yang pastinya bakalan susah banget buat ngeliat musuh lain yang lagi menembaki kita. Sayangnya lagi, tidak semua senjata kita bisa melakukan Free Aiming. Kita hanya bisa melakukan Free Aiming di senjata M4 dan Sniper.
kalo di PC, kita sudah disediakan manual Aiming. sayangnya,
Aiming kita belum pasti mengenai musuh terssebut, walaupun kita sudah membidiknya secara benar.
Untuk masalah Aim di kendaraan, menurut gw itu bukan hal
yang perlu di masalahkan lagi. Sama seperti San Andreas, kita dapat melakukan Aim di kendaran hanya melihat kearah kanan dan kiri saja.
Di game ini kita disediakan 100 darah nyawa (bisa ditambah menjadi 125) dan 100 darah Armor. Tak masalah saat berhadapan musuh dengan tangan kosong. Yang jadi masalahnya, kita berhadapan dengan yang bersenjata.
Satu musuh bersenjata saja bisa menguras banyak Nyawa, apalagi musuhnya menggunakan M4 atau Uzi. Bisa kalian banyangkan kalo jumlah musuhnya banyak dan semuanya menggunakan senjata kejut/ Bredet yang bakal menguras nyawa kita bagaikan air terjun. satu-satu opsi menghadapi mereka dengan mudah, ialah menabrak musuh dengan mobil.
GTA 3 masih gw anggap sebagai Videogame Klasik. Dulu grafik game ini dibilang bagus, apalagi masa itu ialah masa
Grafik 3D mulai disukai banyak orang di era P$2 (Playstation 2). Tetapi, sejauh yang gw dapat dari game ini, banyak sekali perubahan yang sangat besar hingga membuat Franchice GTA hidup saat ini.
Grafik GTA 3 memang tidak sehalus seperti San Andreas.
Pergerakkan Cut-scene nya juga Clunky, bahkan hampir mirip dengan pergerakkan Gameplay-nya. Nuansa kota terlihat muram dan banyak sekali kabut, hingga membuat suasana kota menjadi sedih, muram, dan penuh kekacauan.
Di game ini gw jarang banget melihat cahaya cerah di Liberty
City. Dan system perubahan cuacanya hanya hujan, siang dan malam saja. beruntungnya sudah ada komunitas yang membuat Mod Cuaca GTA 3 menjadi bagus.
Untuk design kota, menurut gw fine-fine aja. Rockstar sudah melakukan yang terbaik untuk membuat kota Liberty penuh dengan gedung-gedung yang hampir mirip dengan kota New
York. Sayangnya tak banyak warna Pallet pada Design di tiap
untuk Design karakter. menurut gw, series ketiga ialah Design beta sebelumnya San Andreas di luncurkan. Tentu saja, Design tekstur karakternya terlihat agak kasar dan kotor. Apalagi struktur pakaian masih terlihat agak kaku dan melancip.
Bentuk badan dan muka agak terlihat seperti persegi lima, gaya rambut terlihat kaku hingga terkesan memaksa. Tetapi, semua kekurangan itu bisa dibilang lumrah, karena pada saat ini Rockstar masih terbatasnya pengembangan grafik 3D di
Playstation 2.
Mengenai suara pada game ini, hampir sepenuhnya Fine aja.
untuk suara music dari Radio. Tidak hanya Fine saja, bahkan sudah menjadi yang terbaik masalah urusan music. jika kalian yang merasa kelahiran akhir tahun 90an, mungkin kalian bakal menemukan lagu-lagu yang menurut kalian tak asing didengar, atau kalian baru mendengar lagu-lagu yang Trend di awal tahun
Salah satu keunikan Radio di series ini, kita masih bisa mendengar suara musiknya diluar dari mobil. Walaupun hanya terdengar dentuman Bass saja, namun detail ini sudah membuat fitur Gta semakin menarik perhatian bagi mereka yang jeli pada gamenya.
Voice Act
Oke.. beralih ke Voice Acting pada game ini.
jujur aja, tidak sebaik yang gw harapkan. Maksud gw, untuk suaranya sudah dibilang bagus. bagi gw sesuai banget dengan
Aksen-aksen Gangster dan Mafia di dalam game ini.
sayangnya, Lipsync di GTA 3 terasa kurang dan agak telat.
Bahkan lucunya, kebanyakan karakter saat bicara, mereka lebih banyak badan yang gerak ketimbang mulut yang berbicara.
Ditambah lagi karakter kita (Claude) tidak bisa berbicara.
tentunya kekurangan kualitas saat interaksi di game ini terdengar seperti orang berbicara dengan Microphone murah, yang kualitasnya jelek.
gw gak tau kalo Claude ini orangnya bisu atau tidak. Dan yang herannya lagi, saat ada Cutscene bertelepon dengan seseorang, disitu Claude membalas ucapan yang ditelponnya.
Padahal di gamenya, ia sendiri tidak ngomong apa-apa, tetapi yang nelponnya balas merespon Claude secara bertelepon biasa. Aneh, tapi lucu bagi gw
Yang gw suka dari segi Voice Acting di game ini, semua pembawaan ceritanya langsung To The Point dan tidak banyak basa-basi. Tujuan Claude memang untuk balas dendam
Catalina. untuk mencapai tujuannya, Claude menerima apa saja tawaran yang diberikan oleh Mafia dan Gangter lainnya, tanpa ragu-ragu, tanpa syarat lainnya, dan langsung dikerjakan.
Sekarang gw akan membahas yang serius. Sebenarnya banyak sekali keluhan-keluhan pada game ini, tapi gw akan buat seringkas mungkin. menyelesaikan game ini benar-benar butuh perjuangan yang keras, hingga membuat gw darah tinggi. Dan
TENTUNYA.... menguras waktu yang cukup BANYAK!
Misi di game ini bener-bener SUSAH!! Dari semua GTA yang pernah gw mainikan, GTA 3 adalah GTA tersusah yang pernah gw mainkan. Awal-awal misinya masih dianggap biasa aja.
Tetapi, semakin jauh kgw mainkannya, misinya pun juga semakin sulit. Apalagi, bagi belum terbiasa dengan Control di game ini. awal-awal kita bakal menghadapi kesulitan yang ada,
Dan mau tidak mau, kita bakal gampang mati.
Jujur aja, di series ketiga gw lebih banyak mati ketimbang misi gagal di luar mati. Ditambah lagi daya tahan mobil yang bener bener DARAH TEMPE!!, sampai-sampai gw harus cepat ganti mobil KALO SEMPET!, Kalau enggak, gw bakal di GengBeng
ama Mafia bersenjata. ban yang bikin jengkelnya lagi, ada beberapa misi yang jangan sampai mobil utama hancur atau ditinggalin.
Udah susah tambah susah. Udah daya tahan mobil gampang meledak, apalagi mobilnya PELAN PULAA! Belom lagi ada mobil musuh ngejer kita, plus anak buahnya sambil nembak di mobil.
Dan mobil musuh yang ngejer kita gak bisa dianggep remeh.
Mereka ganas-ganas daripada kita di kejar polisi bintang 4 keatas. Mereka gak ragu-ragu nabrak kita sampai bonyok bener, atau sampai hancur bener yang buat kita gagal misi
Mau yang lebih parahnya lagi??? Dikasih waktu dong...
Hampir dari semua series GTA pasti memiliki time limit di misi tertentu. Jujur aja, misi seperti itu sudah membuat gw jengkel, apalagi kita bawa mobil gak hati-hati banget. dan parahnya kecelakaan secara tidak sengaja.
Bebicara misi time limit, ada 2 misi yang amat begitu
meribetkan dan susah.
Yang pertama, misinya kita menghancurkan Pos Ronda musuh saat keluarga musuh lagi pada pesta. Cara menghacurkan Pos
Rondanya kita harus menabrak dengan mobil Hummer yang kita miliki di misi tersebut. Dan kalian tau-kan kalo daya tahan mobil di series ini bener-bener payah.
Dan lebih buruknya, kita diberikan waktu 4 menit untuk mengancurkan 10 Pos Ronda di seluruh distrik tersebut.
ditambah lagi kita diserang balik oleh 3 mobil musuh yang menggunakan mobil Hummer dan datang secara terus- menerus. Masalah pos Ronda, gw udah mencari cara lain untuk menghancurkannya, dengan menabrak pake mobil lain, lempar granat, bahkan sampai nembak pake Bassoka. Dan alhasil, Nihil! Sepertinya misi ini memang di rancang untuk menabrak dengan mobil tersebut. Udah susah, ditambah susah
Kedua menggunakan kapal. Kalo sebelumnya kita menabrak
Pos Ronda menggunakan mobil. Kali ini menggunakan kapal.
Udah lagi karakter kita tidak bisa berenang, ada misi di air pula!!!
Beruntungnya daya tahan kapal di GTA 3 tidak begitu rendah seperti mobil. Problemnya berada di misinya. Kita harus menghancurkan Plang musuh di pelabuhan Liberty City. Dan untuk menghancurkannya gak mudah.
Kita harus memberikan impact yang besar untuk menghacurkan Plang tersebut. Ada opsi lain yang pastinya berhasil. Ada beberapa daratan kecil yang dimana kita bisa turun dari kapal. Dan dari situ, kita bisa menghancurkannya dengan mudah menggunakan Bassoka. Namun, mendaratkan kapal ke dataran tersebut butuh perjuangan keras untuk bisa melakukannya. Dan saat ingin menaikannya lagi, kita butuh taruhan nyawa untuk berhasil menaikinya. Kalo tidak, kita bakal tercebur dan tentunya mati dengan instant.
Kedua misi tersebut, kalian bakal mengalami hal yang sama seperti yang gw rasakan, jika kalian memainkannya.
Sebenarnya masih banyak misi-misi yang susah pada game ini, tapi gw gak mau ngasih Spoiler lebih lanjut.
Oh yah, mengenai Map di game ini. di GTA 3 kita memiliki 3 kota. yaitu Portland, Staunton Island, dan Shoreside Vale. Awal- awal kita berada di Portland. Kota dimana GTA Liberty City
Stories dan GTA 4 juga dimulai.
Untuk pindah ke kota selanjutnya, tidak semudah yang kita harapkan. Di awal cerita saja, jembatan antara Portland dan
Staunton Island sudah dihancurkan. Kita tidak bisa
mengunjungi kota lain dengan cara lain atau memaksa.
Bahkan tidak ada Cheat mengudara di game ini. ada jalan lain untuk ke kota selanjutnya, yaitu dibawah tanah. Sayangnya jalanya ditutup total dan tak ada celah sedikit pun untuk memasukinya.
Jujur, hal ini membuat gw sangat penasaran dengan kota selaniutnva Sakina nenasarannva aW sampai kesal dan
pasrah. Mau tidak mau gw harus menyelesaikan misi terlebih dahulu untuk bisa melewatinya.
misi yang tersedia di Portland ada sekitar 20 misi, baru kita bisa membuka gerbang bawah tanah ke kota selanjutnya. Dan percayalah, selama misi awal berjalan kalian akan merasa bosan di kota pertama, yang dimana kita harus banyak menghabiskan waktu yang cukup banyak di kota tersebut.
Mengenai Cheat. Tentu untuk GTA sendiri Cheat adalah hal yang Lumrah untuk membantu Player saat kesulitan atau
di GTA 3 Tanpa Cheat kalian bakal kesulitan untuk menyelesaikan proses gamenya. Awalnya gw memainkan game ini tanpa Cheat selama 3-7 jam. Namun, seiring waktu berjalan, gw mulai merasa kesulitan dan terasa ribet yang harus bulak-balik isi darah di rumah sakit dan, beli persenjataan dan armor di toko senjata. Akhirnya gw menyerah, dan mau tidak mau gw memainkannya dengan
Cheat GTA 3 tidak sebanyak seperti series sudahnya. Hanya ada Cheat darah nyawa, darah Armor, senjata, mobil, dan Slow
Untuk Cheat mobil hanya memberikan mobil turbo (bukan yang terbaik) sayangnya mobil turbo di GTA 3 ini lebih cepat berasap dan hancur ketimbang mobil-mobil lainnya.
gw gak tau kenapa Rockstar menyediakan Cheat Slow Motion.
Cheat seperti ini seharusnya tidak ada. Kenapa? Cheat ini membuat gw kesel aja. Udah gitu saat aktifnya LAMA PULAA!!
Masalah musuh. Gw merasa, musuh di GTA 3 terasa seperti
Aim Bot kalo mereka menggunakan senjata api. Tembakan mereka hampir tidak ada yang meleset saat menembaki gw.
Masalah musuh. Gw merasa, musuh di GTA 3 terasa seperti
Aim Bot kalo mereka menggunakan senjata api. Tembakan mereka hampir tidak ada yang meleset saat menembaki gw.
Jujur, gw paling was-was kalo jumlah musuh bersenjata apinya banyak. Udah membuat kita mudah mati, peluru mereka gak ada habis-habisnya, dan pergerakan mereka cepat banget.
Beda ceritanya kalo gw berhadapan musuh dengan tangan kosong. Bisa gw bilang, mereka terlihat tolol kalo enggak bersenjata.
Terakhir masalah Bug
gw merasa banyak banget Bug-bug yang terjadi di GTA 3. Dari dinding gedung kita bisa menembusnya, permukaan tanah tau- tau ilang, jembatan otomatis ke Shoreside Vales suka nyangkut, mobil nyangkut kalo kita menabrak sesuatu dengan sangat kencang, dan tentunya Glicth secara mendadak.
Dan salah satu kendala saat gw memainkan ialah FrameDrop.
Padahal GTA San Andreas sudah teroptimasi dengan baik dan dibuat selancar mungkin. Tetapi, di game pendahulunya, gw merasa banyak banget FrameDrop di tiap tempat yang gw kunjungi. Untungnya FrameDropnya tidak begitu parah. Dan satu lagi, terkadang gamenya juga gagal Render kalo kita main gamenya dengan waktu yang sangat lama. dan hal ini juga berlaku di versi PC.
Bermain GTA 3 adalah suatu pengalaman baru buat gw pribadi.
Setelah menyelesaikan gamenya, disitulah letak kepuasan gw setelah melewati rintangan sulit dan bikin kepala gw panas di
tiap memainkannya.
Walaupun game ini susah, jujur aja game ini masih seru dimainkan bagi kalian yang suka tantangan. Gw juga
menikmati beberapa elemen dan konsep yang terdapat pada gamenya. Cerita dan Music Radio adalah Point Plus buat gw pribadi. Gw sangat mengapresiasi Rockstar, bagaimana
Franchice GTA bisa menjadi besar, dan satu-satu seri ketiga yang begitu besar impact perubahannya di series selanjutnya.
Kalo kalian ingin dan mencoba memainkannya, gw sangat menyarankan untuk main di versi PC-nya. Semua fitur dan elemen sudah dipermudah dan diperbaiki di beberapa kendala, seperti Bug, Glicth, fitur kamera, dll.
Walaupun semua fitur di PC sudah dipermudah, namun kalian bakal tetap merasakan kesulitan saat menjalankan misi kedepannya.
dan itulah mengapa gw memberikan judunya "Series menantang dan menyebalkan"
GTA 3 masih game bagus kok. walaupunn.. gamenya susah dan banyak tantangan
oke seperti biasanya, jika kalian yang sudah membaca Review ini sampai habis, gw mengucapkan sangat terima kasih yah, dan jika ada kesalahan dan kekurangan yang terdapat di
Review ini, Mimin selaku penulis mohon maaf sekian dan terimakasih tunggu Full review Game lainnya
/GTA series is a very popular franchise in various countries
Platforms. like Gta San Andreas, Vice City, Gta IV, and of course Gta V.
Unfortunately, few Indonesians want to discuss
This third series. even though Gta 3 is one of the popular games, and one of the Revolutionary games in 3D Open World in the PS2 console era until now, on Android
Maybe because I've always been used to playing Gta San
Andreas, so after playing this third series, I have a lot of complaints and difficulties with this series. to the point of having to struggle to finish this game in quite a long time. And of course, to review this game as a whole Mimin version
The story begins when Claude Speed and his partner, namely
Miguel and Catalina rob a bank in Liberty City.
After they succeeded, Catalina betrayed Claude. and not long after that, the police arrested Claude
for being found guilty.
Claude and other prisoners were taken using a prisoner's car which happened to be in the car there were officials from the Cartel group. The car was destroyed on a bridge and cartel group officials were successfully secured by its members.
Seizing the opportunity, Claude and 8-Ball ran away and immediately changed their clothes to everyday clothes, and received several offers from several groups to do dirty chores.
The core of the story in this game is only one, Claude only wants revenge with Catalina. To the extent that he is willing to join some gangters and mafia in Liberty City at any cost. namely to obtain information regarding Catalina's whereabouts. Sounds simple, but all the processes that need to be done by Claude, I can say are quite complicated and very convoluted.
Gta ll is one of the first 3D openworld games that can be Free Roaming to several city areas using vehicles or on foot. Naturally
GTA is one of those games where we are almost completely free to do anything in the game.
From exploring various places, exploring the ocean using a boat, creating chaos in the city by crashing with a vehicle, killing ordinary people using weapons or bare hands, fighting fellow gangsters or mafia, even we can fight the police.
Because this game is a classic game, you can say control in the game
GTA 3 feels stiff. If asked how stiff from San
Andreas? In my opinion, GTA 3 is much stiffer than San
1) Movement
In terms of movement it looks a bit broken and Clunky.
In my opinion, the camera angle in Third person is a bit uncomfortable. When Claude moves we can't change the camera direction like Gta usually does, or manually. Moment
Claude moves forward in any direction, the camera automatically follows him. We can rotate the camera manually, but we must be silent first, and the camera angle will change to First Person.
So far, Movement in this Series I still think is difficult if you are not used to it. not to mention falling from a not so high height alone has reduced the blood.
2. Driving System
In my opinion, the driving system in GTA 3 is difficult and annoying. When we are speeding, we will have trouble
Handling when we bring the car into a rather sharp turn.
Worse yet, the durability of the car in this game is really
TEMPE BLOOD! which is very easy to smoke, even worse explode. Like it or not, we will change cars more often.
Unfortunately there are no motorbikes in GTA 3. the only vehicles in this game are cars, boats, and planes (almost useless). and
Almost everything we can taikin.
Regarding the boat, we can ride the boat as usual. But because our character can't swim, wrong
just jump we're dead. We're not even given a second chance, to jump back to safety, like Vice City Stories.
About the plane. Why do I say planes are "virtually useless"? we move the plane almost like a car.
And strangely again, the plane is difficult to fly. It's really hard to even want to air. and in the end it falls. That's why I said the plane is almost useless in GTA 3
oh well, the lack of this Driving System we can't move the camera freely. but we are still provided with a camera change feature (although it doesn't really help).
3. Combat System
Of course, not Gta if there is no fighting and shooting action. However, don't get your hopes up in GTA 3.
The shooting system in Gta is a little stiff! and a little less
Friendly in the control movement itself.
To be honest, the shooting system in this series is really difficult, not to mention the real aiming problem
Camera Lock which is definitely going to be very difficult to see other enemies who are shooting at us. Unfortunately again, not all of our weapons can do Free Aiming. We can only do Free Aiming on M4 weapons and sniper.
If on a PC, we have provided an Aiming manual. sadly,
Our aim is not certain about the enemy, even though we have aimed at it correctly.
For the Aim problem in the vehicle, I don't think it's a thing
which needs to be addressed again. Just like San Andreas, we can do Aim on the vehicle only looking to the right and left.
In this game we are provided with 100 life blood (can be increased to 125) and 100 Armor blood. It doesn't matter when you face the enemy with your bare hands. The problem is, we are dealing with armed ones.
One armed enemy alone can drain a lot of Lives, especially if the enemy uses an M4 or Uzi. Can you imagine if the number of enemies is large and all of them use shock weapons / Bredet that will drain our lives like a waterfall. The only option to deal with them easily, is to hit the enemy with a car.
I still think of GTA 3 as a Classic Videogame. In the past, the graphics of this game were said to be good, especially at that time
3D graphics began to be liked by many people in the era of P $ 2 (Playstation 2). However, as far as I can get from this game, there are a lot of very big changes that make the GTA franchise alive today.
GTA 3 graphics are not as smooth as San Andreas.
The Cut-scene movements are also Clunky, even almost similar to the Gameplay movements. The feel of the city looks gloomy and there is a lot of fog, making the city atmosphere sad, gloomy, and full of chaos.
In this game I rarely see a bright light in Liberty
City. And the system changes the weather only rain, day and night only. luckily there is already a community that makes GTA 3 Weather Mod great.
For city design, I think it's fine. Rockstar has done its best to make Liberty city full of buildings that are almost similar to New Town
York. Unfortunately there are not many Pallet colors in the Design in each
for character design. In my opinion, the third series is Design beta before San Andreas was launched. Of course, the character's texture design looks a bit rough and dirty. Moreover, the structure of the clothes still looks a bit stiff and tapered.
The shape of the body and face looks a bit like a pentagon, the hairstyle looks stiff to the point of being forced. However, all these shortcomings can be considered normal, because at this time Rockstar is still limited in the development of 3D graphics in Indonesia
Playstation 2.
Regarding the sound in this game, it's almost completely fine.
for the sound of music from the Radio. Not only Fine, it has even become the best in music matters. If you are born in the late 90s, maybe you will find songs that you think are familiar to you, or you have just heard songs that were trending at the beginning of the year.
One of the unique radios in this series, we can still hear the sound of the music outside the car. Even though you only hear a bass boom, this detail has made the Gta feature even more interesting for those who are observant of the game.
Voice Act
Okay.. switch to Voice Acting in this game.
To be honest, not as good as I expected. I mean, the sound is pretty good. for me it fits very well
Gangster and Mafia accents in this game.
unfortunately, Lipsync in GTA 3 feels lacking and a bit late.
Even the funny thing is, most of the characters when they talk, they move their bodies more than their mouths that speak.
Plus our character (Claude) can't speak.
of course the lack of quality when the interaction in this game sounds like people talking to cheap microphones, which are of poor quality.
I don't know if Claude is mute or not. And what's even more surprising is, when there's a cutscene on the phone with someone, there Claude replies to what he called.
Even though in the game, he himself didn't say anything, but the caller responded to Claude on a regular phone. Weird, but funny to me
What I like in terms of Voice Acting in this game, all the storytelling is direct to the point and not much pleasantries. Claude's goal is indeed to take revenge
Catalina. to achieve his goal, Claude accepts any offer given by the Mafia and other gangsters, without hesitation, without any other conditions, and goes straight to it.
Now I'm going to get serious. Actually there are a lot of complaints about this game, but I will make it as short as possible. finishing this game really need a hard struggle, to make me high blood pressure. And
OF course.... takes a LOT of time!
The missions in this game are really HARD!! Of all the GTA I've played, GTA 3 is the hardest GTA I've ever played. At first the mission was still considered normal.
However, the further you play it, the more difficult the mission will be. Moreover, for those not familiar with Control in this game. at first we will face the difficulties that exist,
And like it or not, we will die easily.
Be honest, in The third series I die more than the failed mission beyond death. Plus the durability of the car is really BLOOD TEMPE!!, to the point that I have to quickly change the car IF I NEED!, If not, I'll be in GangBeng
or armed Mafia. tires that irritate him again, there are several missions that don't let the main car be destroyed or abandoned.
It's getting harder and harder. The durability of the car is easy to explode, especially if the car is SLOW! Not to mention there is an enemy car chasing us, plus his men shooting at the car.
And the enemy cars that are chasing us cannot be underestimated.
They are fiercer than us being chased by 4-star police and above. They don't hesitate to hit us until it's really broken, or until it's really crushed which makes us fail the mission
Want something even worse??? Give me time...
Almost all GTA series must have a time limit on certain missions. To be honest, missions like that have irritated me, especially if we don't take the car very carefully. and the severity of accidental accidents.
Speaking of time limit missions, there are 2 missions that are very similar
cumbersome and difficult.
The first, our mission is to destroy the enemy's Ronda Post when the enemy's family is at the party. How to destroy Pos
Rondanya we have to crash with the Hummer car that we have on the mission. And you know that the durability of the cars in this series is really bad.
And to make matters worse, we are given 4 minutes to destroy 10 Ronda posts throughout the district.
plus we were attacked by 3 enemy cars that used Hummer cars and came continuously. The problem with Ronda's post, I've been looking for other ways to destroy it, by hitting it with another car, throwing grenades, and even shooting it with Bassoka. And as a result, Nothing! Looks like this mission was designed to crash with the car. It's been hard, it's getting harder
The second is by boat. If we hit before
Pos Ronda by car. This time by boat.
After all, our character can't swim, there's a mission in the water too!!!
Luckily the durability of ships in GTA 3 is not so low as cars. The problem lies in the mission. We must destroy the enemy's sign in the port of Liberty City. And to destroy it is not easy.
We have to make a big impact to destroy the sign. There are other options that are sure to work. There are some small lands where we can get off the ship. And from there, we can destroy it easily using Bassoka. However, landing the ship on the plains took a lot of effort to be able to do it. And when we want to raise it again, we need to risk our lives to successfully climb it. Otherwise, we will fall and of course die instantly.
Both missions, you will experience the same thing as I feel, if you play it.
Actually there are still many difficult missions in this game, but I don't want to give further spoilers.
Oh well, regarding the Map in this game. in GTA 3 we have 3 cities. namely Portland, Staunton Island, and Shoreside Vale. At first we were in Portland. The city where GTA Liberty City is
Stories and GTA 4 are also starting.
To move to the next city, is not as easy as we hope. At the beginning of the story, the bridge between Portland and
Staunton Island has been destroyed. We can not
visit another city by other means or force.
There's not even a Cheat on the air in this game. there is another way to get to the next town, which is underground. Unfortunately the net is completely closed and there is no gap at all to enter it.
Honestly, this made me very curious about the next city Sakina was curious about AW until I was annoyed and
resigned. Like it or not, I have to complete the mission first to get through it.
missions available in Portland there are about 20 missions, then we can open the underground gate to the next city. And believe me, during the initial mission you will feel bored in the first city, where we have to spend quite a lot of time in the city.
About Cheats. Of course, for GTA itself, Cheats are commonplace to help players when they are in trouble or
in GTA 3 Without Cheats you will find it difficult to complete the game process. Initially I played this game without Cheat for 3-7 hours. However, as time went on, I started to feel difficult and felt complicated having to go back and forth to fill blood at the hospital and, buy weapons and armor at the weapon shop. Finally I gave up, and I can't help but play it with
GTA 3 cheats are not as much as the previous series. There are only Cheats of life blood, Armor blood, weapons, cars, and Slow
The car cheat only gives turbo cars (not the best) unfortunately the turbo cars in GTA 3 smoke and destroy faster than other cars.
I don't know why Rockstar provides the Slow Motion Cheat.
Cheats like this should nothing. Why? This cheat just pissed me off. It's been like that when it's been active for a LONG time!!
Enemy problem. I feel, the enemy in GTA 3 feels like
Aim Bot if they use firearms. Almost none of their shots missed when they shot me.
Enemy problem. I feel, the enemy in GTA 3 feels like
Aim Bot if they use firearms. Almost none of their shots missed when they shot me.
Honestly, I was the most wary of the large number of enemies armed with guns. It makes us easy to die, their bullets are endless, and their movements are very fast.
It's a different story if I face the enemy with my bare hands. I can say, they look stupid if they are not armed.
Last bug problem
I feel that there are a lot of bugs that occur in GTA 3. From the walls of the building we can penetrate it, the ground surface disappears, the automatic bridge to Shoreside Vales gets stuck, the car gets stuck when we hit something very fast, and of course there is a sudden glitch .
And one of the obstacles when I play is FrameDrop.
Even though GTA San Andreas has been well optimized and made as smooth as possible. However, in the previous game, I felt that there were a lot of FrameDrop in every place I visited. Luckily the FrameDrop isn't that bad. And one more thing, sometimes the game also fails to render if we play the game for a very long time. and this also applies to the PC version.
Playing GTA 3 is a new experience for me personally.
After finishing the game, that's where my satisfaction lies after passing through difficult obstacles and making my head hot
every time you play it.
Although this game is difficult, to be honest this game is still fun to play for those of you who like challenges. me too
enjoy some of the elements and concepts contained in the game. Stories and Music Radio is a plus point for me personally. I really appreciate Rockstar, how is it
The GTA franchise can be big, and the only third series that has such a big impact on the changes in the next series.
If you want and try to play it, I highly recommend playing on the PC version. All features and elements have been simplified and fixed in several issues, such as Bugs, Glicth, camera features, etc.
Even though all the features on the PC have been simplified, you will still find it difficult when carrying out future missions.
and that's why i give it the title "Series challenging and annoying"
GTA 3 is still a good game. although.. the game is difficult and there are many challenges
okay as usual, if you have read this review to the end, I thank you very much, and if there are errors and shortcomings contained in
This review, Mimin as the author, apologize so much and thank you for waiting for another full game review
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