Midtown madness 3 .sis symbian S60v1 on Android EKA2L1 Emulator

(Symbian device install .sis game as usually)
Tutorial EKA2L1 EMULATOR N-Gage S60V1
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1. Install emulator EKA2L1 N-Gage / Symbian Android
4. Setelah dibuka masuk setting apps lalu force stop buat refresh Datanya
/After opening, enter the app settings then force stop to refresh the data
5. Extract N-Gage ROM klik view
6. Klik N-Gage Rom
Now finish
9. Sekarang buka Emulatornya EKA2L1 dan tambahkan games misal "Metal Bluster.sis" tap atau tekan tombol (+) Plus
/Now open the Emulator EKA2L1 and add games for example "Metal bluster.sis" tap or press the (+) Plus button
10. Cari gamenya di folder yang sudah di download game Symbian.sis misal contoh game jenis Symbian dibawah ini
/Search game symbian.sis on folder Downlod for example this below
/Then games Will appear now play enjoy "MB2" Example
12. Enjoy playing game Legend SYMBIAN on Android
Kali ini Mimin bahas game Simulasi S60v1 game tentang mobil ambulance dimana mirip gameplay Taxi ya tentunya bedanya disini adalah Urgent dan Penumpang yang sakit untuk dijemput ke Rumah sakit tempat tujuan. dengan cepat dan tepat sehingga dalam perjalan bisa dengan selamat Sampai tujuan... review dari Mimin sih kalo game ini pas jaman dulu tergolong game ajib apalgi sudah 3D view jarang jarang game Symbian versi pertama atau S60v1 ada, size game 1mb.sis
seperti biasa Mimin mainkan game Symbian dengan Emulator EKA2L1 di HP Android
/This time Mimin discussed the S60v1 Simulation game about an ambulance car which is similar to Taxi gameplay, of course, the difference here is Urgent and sick passengers to be picked up to the destination hospital. quickly and precisely so that the journey can safely arrive at the destination ... a review from Mimin, if this game was classified as a game in the past, even if it was 3D view, it was rare for the first version of the Symbian game or S60v1 to exist, the game size was 1mb.sis
as usual Mimin plays Symbian games with the EKA2L1 Emulator on an Android phone
Video Gameplay
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