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Symbian Games On Android With Emulator "EKA2L1" New OFFLINE VERSION

EKA2L1 Symbian emulator .apk

5320 ROM Download
5320 RPKG Download
5530 ROM Download
5530 RPKG Download
Games S60v3 Check Here Visit

Catatan : Tidak perlu di Extract lagi buat ROM Dan RPKG filenya

Tutorial :

1. Install emulator EKA2L1.apk

2. Buka emulator 
/Open emulator

3. tap atau klik tanda titik 3 di pojok kanan atas
/tap or click the dot 3 in the upper right corner
4. In Devices 

5. masukan atau tambahkan klik file RPKG dan ROM tipe HP virtual misal decice 5320 link file download disediakan diawal page diatas 
/Enter, click the RPKG file and ROM HP virtual type, for example, decice 5320, the download file link is provided at the beginning of the page above

Klik atau tap tombol RPKG masukan file device 5320.RPKG
/Click or tap the RPKG button to enter the 5320.RPKG device file

Lalu masukan / tambahkan ROM yang sesuai juga file device 5320.ROM
/ Then enter / add the appropriate ROM as well as the 5320.ROM device file

 Kemudian klik atau tap install tunggu sampai selesai
/Then click or tap install, wait for it to finish

Apabila sudah akan tampil devies seperti diatas
/If the devies will appear as above

6. jangan lupa pasang juga tipe virtual hp lain misal device 5560 buat jaga jaga bila device virtual tidak mendukung beberapa games tutorial sama pada langkah sebelumnya sehingga ada 2 devies yang sudah di install

/Don't forget to also install other types of virtual cellphones, for example the 5560 device, just in case the virtual device doesn't support some of the same tutorial games in the previous step so there are 2 devices already installed

7. lalu klik back atau kembali
/then click back or return

8. klik atau tap tanda plus (+) cari file games .sis / .sisx 
/Click or tap the plus sign (+), look for the .sis / .sisx games file

Lalu tambahkan game yang mau di install misal Bounce cari file bouncetouc_va...sisx atau .sis file yang sudah di download lalu tap atau klik
/ Then add the game you want to install, for example Bounce, look for the bouncetouc_va file ... sisx or .sis file that has been downloaded then tap or click

9. Terakhir buka games Bounce di list app pada emulator
/Finally, open the Bounce game in the app list on the emulator

10. Enjoy play game emulator Symbian on Android Offline

Ada berita terbaru sekaligus kabar gembira buat Mimin sekarang ada emulator baru yang bernama "EKA2L1" Merupakan emulator Symbian yang bisa dijalankan di Android thanks info dari @krisfar2310 awalnya sih gak nyangka secara di PC emulator Symbian masih ada bug dan hanya bisa menjalankan app Stock bawaan Symbian  dan belum bisa menjalankan .sis / .sisx file games atau apps sekarang Mimin sudah Test sendiri mantap beberapa games playable (Tested di Ratel Cell SD835 Android Oreo)

Menurut spesifikasi minimum emulator ini jalan di OS 64bit Android 5

Senang bisa memainkan lagi game nostalgia jaman dulu Pada jaman Symbian Nokia misal Bounce, Crash Nitro kart, BIA dll
Kali ini Mimin jelaskan cara pasang atau install emulator Symbian di Android sebelumnya harus di perhatikan bahwa minimal bisa jalan yaitu OS Android harus bertipe 64bit Mimin Test di Android Oreo SD835 device Ratel Cell 

/There is the latest news as well as good news for Mimin, now there is a new emulator called "EKA2L1". It is a Symbian emulator that can run on Android thanks to the info from @ krisfar2310. Initially, I didn't think that the Symbian emulator PC still had a bug and could only run the stock Symbian app. and can't run .sis / .sisx files, games or apps now Mimin has already tested several playable games (Tested on Ratel Cell SD835 Android Oreo)

According to the minimum specifications this emulator runs on 64bit Android OS

It's nice to be able to play the nostalgic games of the past in the Symbian Nokia era for example Bounce, Crash Nitro kart, BIA etc.
This time Mimin explains how to install or install a Symbian emulator on Android beforehand, it must be noted that at least it can work, namely the Android OS must be type 64bit Mimin Test on Android Oreo SD835 Ratel Cell device

Teringat jaman tempo dulu saat kejayaan Symbian OS di Nokia memainkan game Bounce dan sampai tamat
/Remembering the past when the Symbian OS triumph at Nokia played the game Bounce and it ended
Stage yang epic Ada rahasia dalam game
/Epic stages There is a secret in the game

Test Crash Nitro Kart

Playable di Ratel Cell SD835 Oreo Android
Racing game Crash Nitro Kart legend

Catatan. : 
Jika Game tidak support silahkan ganti virtual device yang support misal dari 5320 misal ke tipe hp 5530 lalu buka lagi gamenya enjoy 

Note. :
If the game doesn't support, please replace the virtual device that supports, for example from 5320 for example to the 5530 hp type then open the game again enjoy

Video Tutorial

Play via EKA2L1 emulator Symbian - Ngage Android

System Requirements :
Android 5, OS 64Bit, OpenGL 3

Gears :
📱Ratel Cell (Snapdragon 835 Android Oreo)
🎮 -
▶ EKA2L1 v0.02

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