Ini dia HP Gaming Pertama Android Sony Xperia Play
saat tahun 2011 harga juga cukup lumayan kategori high end Snapdragon
jaman dulu awal rilis di Indonesia Bundling dengan provider kartu XL
dan beserta gratis dock dengan harga awal 2.9jt kalo sekarang di tahun
2020 gak ada barunya jelas lah udah old sangat kisaran harga second
300-800rb Rupiah normal tergantung kemulusan dan kelengkapan original
apa OEM aftermarket seperti kalian tau Xperia Play minusnya HP Slide
banyak trouble di Flex Ribbon atau Kabel fleksibel nya. Ya tentu jaman
now pasti banyak yang harus diganti jika misal layar sudah semutan atau
blank atau sudah di sentuh salahsatu penyakit HP kebanyakan Slide,
selain LCD dan Touchscreen pokonya ke 3 part itu wajib harus ada
cadangan dijaman sekarang bagi kolektor Hp Gaming pertama
in 2011 the price was also quite high-end Snapdragon category in the
early release in Indonesia Bundling with XL card providers and along
with a free dock with an initial price of 2.9 million if now in 2020
there is no new obvious is already very old price range of second 300-
800rb Rupiah is normal depending on the completeness and completeness of
the original OEM aftermarket like you know Xperia Play minus the HP
Slide a lot of trouble on the Flex Ribbon or flexible cable. Yes, of
course nowadays, there must be a lot that must be replaced if, for
example, the screen is stuck or blank or has been touched by one of the
most HP disease Slide, in addition to the LCD and Touchscreen, the 3
parts must be required to have a backup now for the first HP Gaming
Xperia Play Hp Game Legend Android rilis di tahun 2011, kalian mungkin teman" ada yg punya / pernah beli dijamannya? andai dulu mimin bisa ke beli pas rilis awal nih HP :) curhat dikit nah mimin baru dapet sekitar tahun 2017 second di Bukalapak sekarang harga turun drastis sekitar Rp.300-600rb seneng banget nih kebeli juga wkkwkwk
/Xperia Play Mobile Game Legend Android released in 2011, you guys may be friends "does anyone have / ever bought it in his time? If I used to be able to buy it when I released it early on the cellphone :) confide in a little, I just got it around 2017 second in Bukalapak now. dropped drastically around Rp.300-600rb, I am very happy, I also bought it
Harapan mimin moga ada penerus HP Handheld gaming Android (Include Gamepad) dengan chipset terbaru dari #Snapdragon
/Mimim hopes that there will be a successor to the HP Handheld gaming Android (Include Gamepad) with the latest chipset from #Snapdragon
Spesifikasi Sony Xperia Play :
Layar : 4inch
Chipset : Snapdragon s2
RAM : 512 MB
Jaringan : 3G
Camera : 5mp
Storage : 400mb internal + external
OS Android : Gingebeard, ICS, JB
Battery : 1500MAH
Konektivitas : Wifi+Bluetooth
Sedikit Share cerita Mimin sendiri dengan HP Kesayangan Xperia Play ini
Alhamdulilah HP mimin udah jalan hore lagi hore wkkwk HP yg satunya :D meski blm ada backbutton /homebutton :D (fix menyusul sempat mati suri gara" fleksibel + LCD + TC) normal lagi sekarang disini mimin test game legend .apk installan yang didedikasikan buat console / hp Xperia play kaya game Bruce Lee, fifa 2010, mimin install game2 emulator juga. Mnurut mimin Main game di Xperia play ini enaknya udah include gamepad tersendiri jadi gk perlu setting" lagi lebih enak mainin gamenya :D
/Alhamdulillah, the cellphone was already running again, hooray, the other cellphone: D, even though there was no backbutton / homebutton: D (fix following suspended animation due to "flexible + LCD + TC) normal again now, here is a game test legend. console / hp Xperia play is like a Bruce Lee game, FIFA 2010, minimizes installing emulator games too, according to the game Played on Xperia Play it's good to have included its own gamepad so it doesn't need to be set "more comfortable playing the game: D
Playlable Dedicated Xperia play list games :
1. Asphalt5
2. Call of duty
3. The Sims 3
4. Guitar hero
5. Assasin Creed
6. maden
7.Realfootball HD
8. Spiderman
9. Brother in amrs 2
10. Asphalt 6
11. Avatar James Cameron's
12. Backstab
13. Dungeon hunter 2
14. Eternal legacy HD
15. Fast 5 HD
16. Let's golf 2
17. Modern combat 2
18. Nova 2
19. Rainbow 6 shadow vanguard HD
20. Sacred odyssey rise of ayden
21. Splinter cell
22. Starbattalion
23. Startfront collision HD
24. Uno
25. Bruce Lee
26. The Sims 3
Link Games Download
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