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The Room Mobile Android Game Puzzle APK OBB 200mb (Full Reviews)

Game ini emang keren banget, bro! Banyak teka-teki seru yang harus dipecahkan di setiap ruangan The Room. Kontrolnya juga gampang banget, cukup swipe, tap, pinch, atau tilt aja. Ada banyak benda yang bisa diinteraksiin buat cari petunjuk, seru banget deh! Nah, kalo lagi stuck, bisa pakai hint yang disediain. Tapi ya, tergantung puzzle-nya sih, bisa dapet 3 hint dari yang simpel sampe yang super spesifik. Ada ratusan puzzle yang harus diselesain di 4 chapter game ini, mantap lah pokoknya!

/This game is really awesome, bro! There are many exciting puzzles to solve in each room of The Room. The controls are also very easy, just swipe, tap, pinch, or tilt. There are many objects to interact with to find clues, it's really fun! And if you're stuck, you can use the hints provided. But, it depends on the puzzle, you can get 3 hints from simple ones to super specific ones. There are hundreds of puzzles to complete in the 4 chapters of this game, it's really great!


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