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Fabulous Angela: High School Reunion Mobile Android Game Simulation 200mb APK

Kalo menurut gue sih, ada beberapa orang yang ngerasa kalo game ini cuma buat cewek-cewek atau anak kecil aja. Tapi loh, gue malah seneng banget sama gameplay-nya hehee. Gameplay dari game ini sebenernya cuma nyediain jasa buat pembeli yang dateng ke butik. Tugas lo cuma ngambilin barang yang diminta sama pelanggan, melayanin mereka, dan ngasih uang ke mesin kasir. Meskipun keliatan simpel, tapi seiring lo udah masuk ke chapter-chapter selanjutnya, jadinya makin ribet deh. Banyak pelanggan dateng, barang yang dijual juga makin bervariasi. Game ini simpel sih, tapi butuh konsentrasi tinggi dan manajemen waktu buat maininnya. Selain melayani pelanggan, lo juga harus jaga kebersihan butik lo, yaitu dengan nyuci ruang ganti dan sepatu setiap pelanggan udah beli barang. Lo bakal jadi Angela Napoli, seorang perancang busana di butik terkenal Victory. Cerita sehari-hari Angela dijelasin di game ini, yang seru nya cerita itu disajikan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kalo default bahasa HP nya mungkin beda sih. Jadi gue lebih mudah paham sama ceritanya. Intinya dari cerita game ini adalah Angela yang dihantui masa lalu tentang pesta prom perpisahannya. Gak tau kenapa, tapi misteri tentang pesta itu mulai terungkap selama lo mainin game ini.

/In my opinion, some people feel that this game is only for girls or children. But, I really enjoy the gameplay hehe. The gameplay of this game actually just provides services for customers who come to the shop. Your task is just to take the items requested by the customers, serve them, and give money to the cashier. Although it looks simple, as you progress to the next chapters, it becomes more complicated. Many customers come, and the items sold become more varied. This game is simple, but it requires high concentration and time management to play it. Besides serving customers, you also have to maintain the cleanliness of your shop by washing the fitting rooms and shoes of each customer who has bought items. You will become Angela Napoli, a fashion designer at the famous Victory boutique. Angela's daily life story is explained in this game, and the exciting part is that the story is presented in Indonesian language. The default language of the HP might be different. So, I find it easier to understand the story. Basically, the story of this game is about Angela haunted by her past at her prom farewell party. I don't know why, but the mystery of the party starts to unfold as you play this game.



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