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ScourgeBringer Adventure Pixel Mobile Android Version in 2022


Title: ScourgeBringer
Version Game: 1.61
Genre: Adventure
Store: Playstore (Paid Game)
Mode: Offline
OS Requirment: 4 and Up
Dev/Pub : PidGames
Size APK: 180.9mb
Size Full: 213mb
Year : 2022
Platform : Android, Steam, Switch


Ini Game yang rilis multi platform selain di Pc Steam dan Switch rilis juga di Android Mobile tahun 2022 ini
Mimin mengira ini genre game roguelite biasa Pixel grafisnya.
Alasan mimin bahas gamenya worth it meski jenis paid game. Sejujurnya memang sudah banyak jenis game pixel sejenis ini memainkan game roguelite bergrafis
pixel kaya gini. Untuk mencoba filenya
bisa tidaknya. dan ternyata! setealah dicocba game nya punya gameplay yang asik, seru dan
terasa sangat epic. dari Gameplay Skema kontrol
dasarnya sangat mudah dan menurut mmin
nah ini salahsatu yang membuat menurut mimin ok gamenya stay teru untuk menamatkannya

Didalam Gameplay action game dengan menebas, karakter kita juga membawa senapan. Nah pada mode ini bisa secara manual ada buttonnya tidak atau saat dalam pertempuran. Punya serangan yang lebih kuat cuman mode senapan sedikit lambat karena ada waktu untuk kita Reload amunisinya. Serangan yang
jarang mimin gunakan karena lupa jika
karakter ini punya senapan / pistul untuk
nembak. sedikit minusnya 
kadang salah pencet secara tidak
sengaja tombol action nya karena berdekatan dengan button lainnya seperti melompat. nah itulah singkat tentang Gamenya cobain dah gimana tertarik yang sudah mimin jelaskan?

Kesimpulan game ini jenis paid game dengan gameplay yang worth it bergaya pixel
Mengesampingkan grafisnya nya, tapi game ini punya
gameplay yang sangat seru penuh aksi dan menantang, oke sekian rekomendasi game kali ini

/This is a multi-platform game, apart from being released on PC, Steam and Switch, it's also releasing on Android Mobile in 2022
Mimin thinks this is the usual roguelite game genre with Pixel graphics.
The reason that mimin discusses the game is worth it even though it is a paid game. To be honest, there are already many types of pixel games like this playing graphic roguelite games
pixels like this. To try the file
can or not. and it turns out! after trying the game, the gameplay is cool, fun and
feels so epic. of Gameplay Control scheme
the basics are very easy and according to mmin
Well, this is one of the things that makes Mimin think it's ok for the game to stay on to finish it

In the gameplay of the action game by slashing, our character also carries a rifle. Now in this mode you can manually have the button or not or when in battle. It has a stronger attack but the rifle mode is a little slow because there is time for us to reload the ammo. The attack that
I rarely use it because I forget if
this character has a gun/pistol for
shoot. a little minus
sometimes the wrong press is not
the action button is intentionally because it is close to other buttons such as jumping. Well, that's a brief about the game, try it, how are you interested, what has Mimin explained?

In conclusion, this game is a paid game with pixel-style worth it gameplay
Putting aside the graphics, but this game has
very exciting gameplay full of action and challenging, okay so many game recommendations this time

Video Gameplay

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