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Petualang Jagad New Mobile Adventure Android Game Offline in 2022 Game Indie Lokal Buatan Indonesia

Game Android Baru di Tahun 2022 sekarang , gamenya Offline buatan developer indie asal Indonesia berkisah kan
Seorang pahlawan yang berpetualang di area sekitar wilayah Candi
Borobudur bersetting pada masa dulu.
*Mau game offline lainnya? Silahkan cek web/blog mimin Link ada di BIO

/The new offline Android game made by an indie developer from Indonesia tells the story, right?
A hero who adventures in the area around the Temple area
Borobudur is set in the past.
*Want more offline games? Please check mimin's web/blog. Link is in BIO

Info Game
Title: Petualangan jagad
Genre: Adventure
Mode :Offline
Size Apk: 400 Mb
Platform : Android
Store : Playstore
Dev/Pub : Im Nusantara
Store : Playstore (Free Game)
Year : 2022

Video Gameplay

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