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Ni No Kuni : Cross Worlds Released Global in 2022 New MMORPG Anime and Get Bonus Costume Explorer Outfit on Playstore


Now Will Be Released Global in PlayStore and English Language also nice to play good Game MMORPG from Studio Ghibli get Outift Bonus Costume register on Playstore link Below at middle page

Bahas soal story' dimana diceritakan ini tentang sebuah virtual, scene awal  karakter utama berawal bertemu karakter NPC virtual dan ternyata menjadi nyata yang awalnya potongan hologram seperti ada bug scene gitu, kemudian player masuk ke dunia baru bertemakan kerajaan mungkin sesuai dengan judul gamenya yaitu Cross World nah disana lah player masuk ke dunia baru yang sebuah kerajaan sedang hancur seperti ada peperangan berlatar kerajaan dan ada hubungannya dengan sesuatu crystall ajaib alias Guardian stars

/Talking about the story, where this story is told about a virtual world, the initial scene of the main character starting to meet a virtual NPC character and it turns out to be real which was originally a hologram piece like there was a bug scene, then the player enters a new world themed kingdom maybe according to the game title, namely Cross World well, that's where the player enters a new world where a kingdom is being destroyed like there is a war in the kingdom and has something to do with something magical crystal is Guardian Stars

Ni No Kuni Cross World (Ringkas Review)

1. Gamenya ringan menurut informasi di SD660++ Lancar jadi bisa dimainkan di HP Mid End.

2. Tampilan 3D dengan View Camera yang bisa diatur bisa face2face saat bertarung

3. Ada Fitur Trading Antar Player (ini fitur yang Mimin tunggu")
Enak jadi petani buat jual beli gold atau ransum atau equipment

4. Ada mode semi auto, bisa juga di offkan atau manual saat Battle (Mungkin typical game MMORPG Mobile)

5. Dubbing Actor Bahasa Jepang mantap Game Tema Anime Lebih berasa

6. Grafis yang bagus dengan pemandangan indah ala Studio Ghibli

/Nino Kuni Cross World (Quick Review)

1. The game is light according to the information on SD660++ Smooth so it can be played on Mid End HP.

2. 3D view with View Camera that can be adjusted face2face when fighting

3. There is a Inter-Player Trading Feature (this is the feature I'm waiting for")
It's good to be a farmer to buy and sell gold or rations or equipment

4. There is a semi auto mode, it can also be turned off or manually during Battle (Maybe a typical Mobile MMORPG game)

5. Great Japanese Dubbing Actor Anime Theme Game More flavor

6. Nice graphics with beautiful Studio Ghibli-style scenery

Review tambahan versi mimin, pada awal rilis di Taiwan game ini sudah dengan Voice actor bahasa Jepang terasa banget suasana Game Anime nya mantap..
Pada awal main kita bisa memilih karakter , custom karakter, warna rambut, mata, pakaian dll,
Disini karakter menggunakan pedang, dengan seperti element api dilihat dari efek yang dihasilkan skillnya, mode pertarungan bisa mode semi auto bahkan non auto tinggal gerakan saja saat bertarung dengan monster dan memudahkan saat quest memang typical jenis MMORPG Mobile Jaman now. Dilihat dari segi map cukup luas dengan pemandangan sejuk ciri khasnya studio Ghibli

/An additional review of the mimin version, at the beginning of its release in Taiwan this game was already with a Japanese voice actor, the atmosphere of the Anime Game really felt great..
At the beginning of the game we can choose a character, custom character, hair color, eyes, clothes, etc.,
Here the character uses a sword, like the fire element seen from the effects produced by the skill, the battle mode can be semi-auto or even non-auto, just move when fighting monsters and make it easier when quests are typical of today's Mobile MMORPG. From a map perspective, it's quite spacious with cool views, typical of studio Ghibli

Full Review Game Baru MMORPG 
"Ni No Kuni Cross World"

Kali ini mimin akan bahas lebih dalam alias Full Review game Nino kuni yang rilis pertama di dapatkan Playstore server taiwan

Total size 3,2 GB (download luar 1,2 GB dan download dalam 1,86 GB) kurang lebih segitu 

Ada 5 class swordman, archer / rogue, ranger/ gun, tanker
, mage gender lock kak ? Yap gender lock game nya p2w ga kak ? lya, tetapi asal kalian grinding/ leveling perbedaan power sama yang langsung tu masih bisa ngejar - 

Buat login hari ini pakai sistem antri buat server yg full bisa sampai 5000 antrian dalam menyelesaikan quest kalian bisa sambil dapat tiket untuk gacha weapon / pet / costum di 

Terdapat Fitur sistem trade antar pemain semakin tinggi level maka dungeon/ challenge solo/ main quest/ spawn boss tingkat kesulitan makin tinggi jarak power antar bos bisa sampai 50k, disarankan buat yang tidak biasa main solo, langsung buat party dari awal main 

Buat yang Versi Taiwan bisa langsung login pakai google, fb, email, ga pakai vpn, ping lumayan lancar meski beberapa saat agak ping merah/ orange 

Untuk server kr / jp pakai vpn ? kr sampai sekarang msh sering pakai vpn , untuk jp sudah ada beberapa game yang baru rilis sudah ga pakai vpn dan bisa login pakai google untuk server kr / jp tanggal rilis 10 june, dan ada info bisa pre download mulai tanggal 9 june

Secera keseluruhan grafik, gameplay, story Mimin kasih Rating bagus (8/10)

Sekian sedikit review yann mimin bahas Buat yang main ni no kuni server manapun tetap respect sama player luar dan jangan lupa saling bantu

/This time, Mimin will discuss more deeply, aka Full Review of the Nino Kuni game, which was first released on the Taiwan Playstore server

The total size is 3.2 GB (outside download 1.2 GB and download inside 1.86 GB) more or less that much

There are 5 classes swordman, archer / rogue, ranger / gun, tanker
mage gender lock, sis? Yep, is the gender lock game p2w or not? Yes, but as long as you're grinding/leveling the difference in power directly, you can still catch up -

To login today, use the queuing system for a full server, up to 5000 queues to complete the quest, you can while getting tickets for gacha weapons / pets / costumes at

There is a trade system feature between players, the higher the level, the dungeon / solo challenge / main quest / spawn boss, the higher the difficulty level, the power distance between bosses can be up to 50k, it is recommended for those who are not used to playing solo, immediately create a party from the start

For the Taiwan version, you can directly login using google, fb, email, don't use vpn, the ping is pretty smooth even though for a while it's a bit red/orange ping

For server kr / jp use vpn? kr until now i still use vpn often, for jp there are already some newly released games that don't use vpn and can login using google for server kr / jp release date 10 june, and there is info can pre download starting on june 9

Overall graphics, gameplay, story Mimin gives a good rating (8/10)

That's a little review, let's talk about it. For those who play, no kuni, any server, still respect outside players and don't forget to help each other

Link Store


Platform : Android, iOS
Genre : MMORPG, Anime
Year : 2021
Size : 3gb++
Store : Appstore & Playstore
Mode : Online
Developer : Netmarble

Video Gameplay

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