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Angry Birds Journey New Mobile Arcade Android Game in 2022 / 2023 Offline 149mb APK

Ini game Legend juga yang masih rilis baru dan ada event Halloween di akhir tahun 2022 masih dengan Gameplay yang sama dan tentunya offline dengan gaya baru,. dan stage baru yang menantang. oh iya banyak juga ya series Angry Birds ini, pada stage baru lebih epic dengan grafis yang menyejukan dan cukup indah dan terang jadi betah buat namatin ini series, lebih ok yang versi original daripada versi mod nya. sekian pembahasan game  kali ini terimakasih.

/This is the Legend game which is still a new release and there is a Halloween event at the end of 2022, still with the same gameplay and of course offline with a new style. and a new challenging stage. oh yeah, there's a lot of this Angry Birds series, on the new stage it's more epic with cool graphics and it's quite beautiful and bright so you feel at home watching this series, the original version is better than the mod version. that's all for discussing the game this time, thank you.


Video Gameplay

Info Game
📃Title : Angry Birds Journey
🎬Genre : Arcade, Casual
🎮Mode : Offline
🚻Multiplayer : -
⏱️Year : 2022
📱Platform : Android, iOS
📝Dev/Pub : Rovio
💾Size : 149mb++
⭐Rating : 4.5 / 5.0
🔖Store : Playstore & Appstore (Free Game) 
OS : Android 7 Up

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