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Cyberpunk 2077 Android Version APK Fan Made TPS Mode Offline


Game yang sebulan kemarin hits di PC dan Konsol kini ada Fan Made di Platform Android memang sangat berbeda pasalnya ini Mode TPP bukan First Person pada versi Aslinya, Hampir semua dalam Game" Fan Made jangan harap ada Misinya / Quest kaya yang sudah sudah GTA 5 fan Made kedua gamenya Fan Made seperti jenis game Openworld ini cuman jalan jalan saja mengitari kota, naik mobil dll. Tetapi lumayan buat merasakan bagaimana gamenya itu sendiri.

/The game that hit the PC and Console a month ago, now has Fan Made on the Android Platform, it is very different because TPP Mode is not First Person in the Original version, Almost everything in the Game "Fan Made, don't expect rich missions / quests that are already GTA 5 fans. Both games are Fan Made, like this type of Openworld game, only walking around the city, driving by car, etc. But it's not bad to feel the game itself.

TPP mode
City night HDR Unreal Engine 4
Car in passion

Video Gameplay

Source Blog/Web Partner : https://gameandroidoff.blogspot.com

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